Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the Rollingwood Homeowners Association?
To join the Rollingwood Homeowners Association, simply click HERE, print and complete the form, and submit it with your check for the $25 annual dues. Checks should be made out to Rollingwood Homeowners Assn and sent with the completed form to: Rollingwood Homeowners Association, Attn. Kathy Walker, Treasurer, 4902 Rockbluff Dr., Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274.

Do I need a building permit to make changes to my house or property? How do I obtain one?
For information on requirements for building permits and how to obtain one, CLICK HERE.(click in new window)

What do I do if my view becomes obstructed by city-owned or other homeowner owned trees, shrubs, or other items?
For View Preservation and Clearance information,click HERE and here.

What are the regulations concerning peacocks?

New residents may be surprised to encounter peacocks in Rollingwood, perhaps in their yard or even on the roof, or cawing somewhere nearby. These large birds formally known as peafowl are known for their irridescant blue and green plumage. While they are pretty to look at if you happen to see one, their loud calls and the waste they can leave behind can be an issue for some residents. The City has implemented a peafowl trap and removal program for all areas of the City, except within the boundaries of the Dapplegray Lanes and Strawberry Lane homeowners associations. If you have any questions about obtaining a Peafowl Removal Permit or to obtain peafowl information, please contact City Hall at (310) 377-1577 x 122.