On April 19th, Rollingwood HOA held a ‘Let’s Chat’. The event was hosted by Mark and Lisa Pope who graciously opened their home for the event. We had a great turnout, and a lot of important information was passed around. Jessica Slawson, Management Analyst from the City Manager’s office was there representing RHE and fielded questions about City vs homeowner responsibilities pertaining to many of the open space areas within and surrounding our community. Interim Chief Brian Kane and Community Services Liaison Rosemary Vivero from the Los Angeles County Fire department presented information on the LACFD inspection process, and the process by which violators will be notified and fined if violations are not corrected. They also discussed SCE’s role in reducing fire fuel within their easements. The subject of evacuation vs shelter in place also was discussed. Deputy Foresters Delos Reyes and Wen Wang represented LACFD Forestry Division and highlighted how LACFD looks at defensible space in Los Angeles County’s wildland-urban interface.
All together it was a great presentation with several opinions, good and bad, about our current situation. More of our residents are attending our Let’s Chat presentations. With the increased attendance comes more and varied opinions from the neighborhood which bring to light many nuances and issues others may not know about. It’s also a great opportunity to meet others from the neighborhood.
Thanks again to the Pope’s for opening their home to this great event.